A Muggle’s Bibliothek
last revision: 12/18/2023 16/2021
A Muggle’s Bibliothek

Paul Marmet

Einsteins Relativitätstheorie kontra

Klassische Mechanik

Is the world as surreal as the modern physics would have us believe and do you need the theory of relativity for their explanation? P. Marmet shows, that taking into account the conser-vation law of mass and energy and the fact that the atom isn't a rigid structure, all of the effects explained by the theory of relativity, can explain with normal mechanical processes.
Get the library program and install it on your computer. you can manage your  e-books with this program in various formats convert and install it on different  readers. With the program's own Reader, you can read e-books on the computer. Calibre

Die Urknall-Theorie ereilt der


Paul Marmet

T hose who believe that religion and science are to be reconciled, will find that the science is crushed in the embrace of religion. Since the past quarter century, we know that the Big Bang theory is an idea that has absolutely nothing to do with reality. Nevertheless, it is widely used in public with missionary fervour. Reading these essays should open the eyes of any scientifically interested reader for the cosmic reality.
© Dr. Ing. Dipl Phys. M. Hüfner 2014
Normal people feel the paradoxes of today's modern physics as a mental impertinence, which is why they turn away from it. This book proves that it can also be done without paradoxes. In it, mechanics, thermodynamics and electrodynamics are understood as expressions of a single physics for the microcosm and macrocosm. Starting from an energy distribution in an open system far from thermal equilibrium, the dynamics of structures of cosmic bodies up to the elementary particles are logically developed. It turns out that a revolutionary view of matter with reflection on the basics of physics also leads to a completely new understanding of the structure of the atomic nucleus. This in turn gives a completely new answer to the question of nuclear fusion and brings the technical application of nuclear fusion within reach in a time of climate change and the need to switch from fossil fuels to new, climate-friendly energy sources.
The physical world view between reality and surrealism
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Dynamic Structures in an Open Cosmos

Mathias Hüfner

to the Shop to the Shop more Infos

Modern Astrophysics meets Engineering

Mathias Hüfner

to the Shop to the Shop
No science in the past has been so embraced by religion. like astrophysics. Galilei had to renounce the heliocentric world view in 1633. Only in 1992 was he rehabilitated by the Vatican. Starting in 1907, the Vatican went into battle against modernism, and it's still fighting today. Today we have gained insight into the intergalactic world picture in which the Earth completes a helical orbit around the center of the galaxy as the Sun revolves around the center of the galaxy. The fact that our sun is not isolated in the cosmos provides a new insight into its energy source, which is not inside but in the corona. This finding is useful for harnessing the energy from hydrogen fusion.


last revision: 01/16/2023

Paul Marmet

Einsteins Relativitätstheorie

kontra Klassische Mechanik

Is the world as surreal as the modern physics would have us believe and do you need the theory of relativity for their explanation? P. Marmet shows, that taking into account the conser-vation law of mass and energy and the fact that the atom isn't a rigid structure, all of the effects explained by the theory of relativity, can explain with normal mechanical processes.

Die Urknall-Theorie ereilt der


Paul Marmet

Muggle’s Library
© Dr. Ing. Dipl Phys. M. Hüfner 2014
Physics  between Reality and Surrealism
All downloads are free only for private use
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Dynamic Structures in an

Open Cosmos

Normal people feel the paradoxes of today's modern physics as a mental impertinence, which is why they turn away from it. This book proves that it can also be done without paradoxes. In it, mechanics, thermo- dynamics and electrodynamics are understood as expressions of a single physics for the microcosm and macrocosm. Starting from an energy distribution in an open system far from thermal equilibrium, the dynamics of structures of cosmic bodies up to the elementary particles are logically developed.

Mathias Hüfner

Get the library program and install it on your computer. you can manage your  e-books with this program in various formats convert and install it on different  readers. With the program's own Reader, you can read e-books on the computer. Calibre

Mathias Hüfner

Modern Astrophysics Meets


to the Shop to the Shop to the Shop to the Shop
No science in the past has been so embraced by religion. like astrophysics. Galilei had to renounce the heliocentric world view in 1633. Only in 1992 was he rehabilitated by the Vatican. Starting in 1907, the Vatican went into battle against modernism, and it's still fighting today. Today we have gained insight into the intergalactic world picture in which the Earth completes a helical orbit around the center of the galaxy as the Sun revolves around the center of the galaxy.
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Those who believe that religion and science are to be reconciled, will find that the science is crushed in the embrace of religion. Since the past quarter century, we know that the Big Bang theory is an idea that has absolutely nothing to do with reality. Nevertheless, it is widely used in public with missionary fervour. Reading these essays should open the eyes of any scientifically interested reader for the cosmic reality.