DoesitnotseemtobeanaturalreactionofGodintheeyesofbelieverstoconfusethesepeople's minds with illogicality and to beat them with arrogance and blindness to reality?• Time is independent of the movement.• Space is four-dimensional, empty, curved, expanding and curling.• Light is both particle and wave.• There would be unknown matter and energy and black holes in space.Whyshouldwecontinuetoaccepttheseimpositionsofthespiritonthosepeople?Wedonotwantto knowhowGodthinks.Itisenoughforustounderstandoursensoryworldandtopresentitcorrectlyin theoriesinordertodeliverittoourdescendantssothattheycanbenefitfromit.Thisrequiresclear termswithsensory(metrological)contentandanintelligiblemathematicallanguage.Thetwentieth century has made a very bad contribution with its absurd theories.Although I do not want to call myself a believer, I read the message of this ancient text with goodwill.
Athanasius Kircher 1670
The cosmos emerged out of nothing and is an empty space. The void expands and it curls, says the standard cosmology.• E = mc² = 0 = mgh as initial condition• 0 * a = 0 for the extent and• 0 = a * sin b for the corrugationNothing is nothing, no matter what mathematical operation is involved, unless a magician is at work.Enter the secrets of astrophysics and learn how to be deceived.
Mathematics should be the language of God. Until the Reformation, it was Latin.But who understands foreign languages perfectly? So it is not surprising that his self-proclaimed representatives on earth get tangled up in contradictions.
Sofar,astrophysicistshave alwaysbeenportrayedas perpetrators.Butisnot everyperpetratoratthe sametimeavictiminsome measure? Everyoneknowsthestoryof theOldTestamentTowerof Babelasanattemptby mankindtoequalGod. Becauseofthisself-exaltationGodbringsthe towercon-structionblood-lesstoahalt,causinga confusionoflanguages, whichcompelsbecauseofinsurmountablecommunication difficultiestothetaskoftheprojectandscattersthebuildersforthe same reason over the whole earth.IfphysicistslikeStephenHawking,inhisbookABriefHistoryof Time,claimtoexplorethewillofGodwiththeircosmological models,doesnotthissuggestthattheTowerofBabelintheOld Testament be surpassed? This book became a bestseller.
DoesitnotseemtobeanaturalreactionofGodintheeyesof believerstoconfusethesepeople'smindswithillogicalityandtobeat them with arrogance and blindness to reality?• Time is independent of the movement.•Spaceisfour-dimensional,empty,curved,expandingand curling.• Light is both particle and wave.•Therewouldbeunknownmatterandenergyandblackholes in space.Whyshouldwecontinuetoaccepttheseimpositionsofthespiriton thosepeople?WedonotwanttoknowhowGodthinks.Itisenough forustounderstandoursensoryworldandtopresentitcorrectlyin theoriesinordertodeliverittoourdescendantssothattheycan benefitfromit.Thisrequirescleartermswithsensory(metrological) contentandanintelligiblemathematicallanguage.Thetwentieth century has made a very bad contribution with its absurd theories.AlthoughIdonotwanttocallmyselfabeliever,Ireadthemessage of this ancient text with goodwill.
Athanasius Kircher 1670
The cosmos emerged out of nothing and is an empty space. The void expands and it curls, says the standard cosmology.• E = mc² = 0 = mgh as initial condition• 0 * a = 0 for the extent and• 0 = a * sin b for the corrugationNothing is nothing, no matter what mathematical operation is involved, unless a magician is at work.Enter the secrets of astrophysics and learn how to be deceived.
Mathematics should be the language of God. Until the Reformation, it was Latin.But who understands foreign languages perfectly? So it is not surprising that his self-proclaimed representatives on earth get tangled up in contradictions.