A Muggle’s Bibliothek
last revision: 12/18/2023 16/2021
A Muggle’s Bibliothek
© Dr. Ing. Dipl Phys. M. Hüfner 2014
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The 2nd Babylonian Confusion

The physical world view between reality and surrealism
So far I have always portrayed astrophysicists as perpetrators. But is not every perpetrator at the same time a victim in some measure? Everyone knows the story of the Old Testament Tower of Babel as an attempt by mankind to equal God. Because of this self-exaltation God brings the tower construction bloodless to a halt, causing a confusion of languages, which compels because of insurmountable communication difficulties to the task of the project and scatters the builders for the same reason over the whole earth. If physicists like Stephen Hawking, in their book A Brief History of Time, claim to explore the will of God with their cosmological models, does not this suggest that the Tower of Babel in the Old Testament be surpassed? This book became a bestseller.
Does it not seem to be a natural reaction of God in the eyes of believers to confuse these people's minds with illogicality and to beat them with arrogance and blindness to reality? • Time is independent of the movement. • Space is four-dimensional, empty, curved, expanding and curling. • Light is both particle and wave. • There would be unknown matter and energy and black holes in space. Why should we continue to accept these impositions of the spirit on those people? We do not want to know how God thinks. It is enough for us to understand our sensory world and to present it correctly in theories in order to deliver it to our descendants so that they can benefit from it. This requires clear terms with sensory (metrological) content and an intelligible mathematical language. The twentieth century has made a very bad contribution with its absurd theories. Although I do not want to call myself a believer, I read the message of this ancient text with goodwill.
Athanasius Kircher 1670
last revision: 01/16/2023
Muggle’s Library
© Dr. Ing. Dipl Phys. M. Hüfner 2014
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The 2nd Babylonian


Physics  between Reality and Surrealism
So far, astrophysicists have always been portrayed as perpetrators. But is not every perpetrator at the same time a victim in some measure? Everyone knows the story of the Old Testament Tower of Babel as an attempt by mankind to equal God. Because of this self- exaltation God brings the tower con-struction blood- less to a halt, causing a confusion of languages, which compels because of insurmountable communication difficulties to the task of the project and scatters the builders for the same reason over the whole earth. If physicists like Stephen Hawking, in his book A Brief History of Time, claim to explore the will of God with their cosmological models, does not this suggest that the Tower of Babel in the Old Testament be surpassed? This book became a bestseller.
Does it not seem to be a natural reaction of God in the eyes of believers to confuse these people's minds with illogicality and to beat them with arrogance and blindness to reality? • Time is independent of the movement. Space is four-dimensional, empty, curved, expanding and curling. • Light is both particle and wave. There would be unknown matter and energy and black holes in space. Why should we continue to accept these impositions of the spirit on those people? We do not want to know how God thinks. It is enough for us to understand our sensory world and to present it correctly in theories in order to deliver it to our descendants so that they can benefit from it. This requires clear terms with sensory (metrological) content and an intelligible mathematical language. The twentieth century has made a very bad contribution with its absurd theories. Although I do not want to call myself a believer, I read the message of this ancient text with goodwill.
Athanasius Kircher 1670