A Muggle’s Bibliothek
last revision: 12/18/2023 16/2021
A Muggle’s Bibliothek
© Dr. Ing. Dipl Phys. M. Hüfner 2014
The physical world view between reality and surrealism
Dr. Ing. Dipl. Phys. Mathias Hüfner Else-Härtel-Weg 30 D07768 Kahla mathias.huefner@t-online.de The author has worked in his professional life in the fields of radioactivity and optical atomic spectroscopy, cybernetics, factorial design and system theory, image processing and computer science.


last revision: 01/16/2023
Muggle’s Library
© Dr. Ing. Dipl Phys. M. Hüfner 2014
Physics  between Reality and Surrealism
Dr. Ing. Dipl. Phys. Mathias Hüfner Else-Härtel-Weg 30 D07768 Kahla mathias.huefner@t-online.de The author has worked in his professional life in the fields of radioactivity and optical atomic spectroscopy, cybernetics, factorial design and system theory, image processing and computer science.
