TheastrophysicistHaraldLesch,knownthroughoutGermany,saidinan interview that he saw no contradiction between science and faith. Mycredois:Sciencebeginswhereyouquestionyourbeliefsandtothese questions find new answers.
Itissaidthatpeoplearerational.Why,Iwonder,dosofewpeopleusethis gift?Instead,theyfeeltheyhavetorepresentthingsthatgoagainsttheir common sense just to emulate the majority.
Norway'sgreatsonKristianBirkelanddied100yearsagoinTokyo.His discoveryofthecauseoftheaurorawasconfirmed50yearslater,putting itinlinewiththediscoveriesofCopernicus,GalileoandNewton.Hewas nominated for the Nobel Prize seven times without ever having received it.
Alongwithenergy,forceisoneofthemostimportantconceptsinphysics. Fourtypesofforcesarecommonlydistinguished.However,thereisonly one unit concept for forces. Consequently, there is only one kind of force.
J.NeedhamhasemphasizedthatWesternthoughthasalwaysvacillated betweenthenotionofaworldthatisanautomatonandatheology accordingtowhichGodrulestheuniverse.Hecalleditthepeculiar European schizophrenia.
Anexperimenthasshownthatthesunworksverydifferentlythanexpected. Inthepast,experimentersdidnotunderstandthermodynamics.Ifyouwant toincreasetheorderintheatoms,youhavetoremoveentropyandnotadd it.
Undertheinfluenceofthepapalacademy,quantummechanicsstripped physicsofitsmaterialisticbasisatthebeginningofthe20thcentury. Acausal statementsbecamefashionable.Nowadaystheinfluenceofthechurchis fading and physics should find its way back to its materialistic position.
Ourcosmosisanopensystemandalllightphenomenaarebasedon electromagneticphenomena,asMaxwellalreadydescribed,causedbythe movementofcharges.This alsoincludestheelectormagneticradiationof the sun, which is generated by nuclear fusion.
Obviously,AlbertEinsteindidnotunderstandMaxwell'sequations,otherwise hewouldnothavethoughtofsymmetrizingthemanddestroyingtheirtrue meaning.TheLorentztransformationusedforthisisaprojectivemapping andthisisnotaphysicalprocess.Also,dynamicshasnothingtodowith symmetry.Einsteinthenhadthenaiveideaofstandingonastationarylight wave, only then no ray of light would ever have reached his eye.
Thesocialrequirementonphysicsistostudynature’senergysupplysothat wecanderivetechnicalprocessesfromit.Atleastthatwasthedemandon physicsatthetimeofmystudies50yearsago.Modernphysicsseemstobe very far removed from this nowadays.
The cosmos emerged out of nothing and is an empty space. The void expands and it curls, says the standard cosmology.• E = mc² = 0 = mgh as initial condition• 0 * a = 0 for the extent and• 0 = a * sin b for the corrugationNothing is nothing, no matter what mathematical operation is involved, unless a magician is at work.Enter the secrets of astrophysics and learn how to be deceived.
Mathematics should be the language of God. Until the Reformation, it was Latin.But who understands foreign languages perfectly? So it is not surprising that his self-proclaimed representatives on earth get tangled up in contradictions.
The cosmos emerged out of nothing and is an empty space. The void expands and it curls, says the standard cosmology.• E = mc² = 0 = mgh as initial condition• 0 * a = 0 for the extent and• 0 = a * sin b for the corrugationNothing is nothing, no matter what mathematical operation is involved, unless a magician is at work.Enter the secrets of astrophysics and learn how to be deceived.
Mathematics should be the language of God. Until the Reformation, it was Latin.But who understands foreign languages perfectly? So it is not surprising that his self-proclaimed representatives on earth get tangled up in contradictions.